The Garage is available in 10ft, 12ft, 14ft, and 16ft widths. All models come with 8ft tall walls standard. Standard features include a Rollup Door, a 36in 6-Panel Pre-Hung Door, and one 2ft x 3ft Window. Floor joists in the Garage model are spaced every 12in on-center to add extra strength for vehicles like cars and trucks.
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Lofted Barn Garage
The Lofted Barn Garage is available in 10ft, 12ft, 14ft, and 16ft widths. All models come with a single loft on the back end of the building opposite of the Rollup Door. Standard features include a Rollup Door, a 36in 6-Panel Pre-Hung Door, and one 2ft x 3ft Window. Floor joists in the Lofted Barn Garage model are spaced every 12in on-center to add extra strength for vehicles like cars and trucks.
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