Side Cabin
June 16, 2021
Affordable Hideaway Cabin Homes
Hideaway Cabin
June 16, 2021
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Deluxe Cabin

The Deluxe Cabin is stylish and practical for storage, dwelling, and additional structure purposes. It is available in 12ft, 14ft, and 16ft widths with a gable style roof. Features for all models include a 36in 9-Lite Door, three 2ft x 3ft Windows, and a 4ft deep front porch that wraps around one side.

The Deluxe Cabin is available with painted, treated, urethane-coated, and metal siding at no extra cost. Delivery and setup is free within 50 miles.

*12’ and wider buildings are measured from eave to eave due to Department of Transportation hauling restrictions.

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Georgia Yard Barns