What Now?
Your order will go directly to the plant to be manufactured, or if you’ve bought one on the lot, to scheduling for delivery.
Buildings can take up to 4 weeks to be custom manufactured for you. Your sales person will not be able to tell you an exact date it will be ready.
Whether you have purchased from the sales lot or have ordered a new custom building, the next person who contacts you will be the delivery driver.
Drivers set up their own schedules and must plan your delivery with the movement of other deliveries.
They will do their best to accommodate your availability, but they do have limitations based on other deliveries.
The ground must be clear, dry, and firm for delivery. Make sure there are no obstructions, low hanging limbs or wires, and the path for delivery is clear. The driver is not responsible for damage to the yard or other structures due to less than ideal delivery conditions.
It is the responsibly of the customer to contact their local codes office or Home Owners Associations if guidelines need to be met or permission is needed.
All 12’ wide and wider buildings are measured eave to eave due to department of transportation hauling restrictions.
What do I need?
The customer will need to provide concrete set blocks.
These come in two sizes 4x8x16 (called Cap Blocks) and in some cases 8x8x16 (called Cinder Blocks)
Both can be obtained from Home Depot or Lowes.

How Many Do I Need?
We do not know for sure as this all depends on the slope/grade of your yard.
The sales person will try to give you an idea, and again, the delivery driver will discuss this with you when delivery is set up.